Jun 28, 2018
Charles Spurgeon’s bodacious words about work Charles Spurgeon, the famous preacher from yesteryear, had some great wisdom to say about our vocations: “Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them”. 1 Corinthians 7:20 Charles’ words are in black, mine are in blue. Some persons have the foolish notion –Nah, tell […]
Mar 28, 2018
Finding hope in Dark Times When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on his donkey, the crowd roared with praise and excitement! They had pinned their hopes on Jesus to free them from the oppressive Roman Rulers, and by the looks of it, Jesus certainly had the power to do so. If calming storms, healing diseases and […]
Jul 11, 2017
Lifecycle of a Community Your Community is a living organism, is it declining or growing? A frail building held together by cobwebs sits lonely and forgotten on a hilltop. An aged and weary sandstone fence surrounds a modern unit block. Ancient cathedrals meant for people, now a work of art and bustling tourist attraction. These [...]
May 4, 2016
There’s a really cute advertisement for Mitre 10, it has 2 little Kiwi kids playing in the sandpit discussing what they’re going to do on the weekend. One of the Kiwi’s says he’s going to get someone to build a retaining wall, the other New Zealander challenges him, “Do it yourself, get a couple of […]
Apr 22, 2016
I’m getting better at riding my motorbike, leaning into the corners while ripping around sweeping bends reminds me of a dog hanging out the car window. It’s taken much practise to feel comfortable at this speed, and while that can be a good thing, this time it wasn’t. Normally I’m concentrating on the road, the […]
Mar 25, 2016
If you want to make a wave, you’ll need to rock the boat. Change Agents “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein. Most people are happy for change to take place: But they aren’t that happy to change themselves: One of the precursors to […]
Mar 7, 2016
Spur of the moment, I walked the coastal trek from Otford to Bundeena; with rainforest, grasslands, scrub and beach, there was more change than the Royal Australian Mint. Oozing positivity, I figured the 31 km trek could be done in 1 day, besides I had my camel pack, 4 muesli bars and sunscreen. Burke and […]
Nov 25, 2015
DARKNESS FALLS CHAPTER 1 No matter how many good decisions we make, when life throws unexpected challenges, we can find ourselves at a loss. It’s at those times that we question our purpose in life and reason for being, which is what happened when life overwhelmed me. We lived in a nice house in leafy […]
Nov 9, 2015
How to overcome evil in your world When Jimmy Bakker, the television evangelist, found himself in prison, he may have felt the heat of spiritual warfare, but truth be told, he was already in it and being used by the enemy long before. From his book, “I was Wrong”, he recounts his error, I began […]
Aug 17, 2015
Minimising Confrontation There’s lessons to be learned in movies. Well, that’s my excuse for watching the chick flick, North and South, with my daughter in the holidays. The opening scene has the hero, Mr Thornton as the boss, beating a worker in his cotton mill. The heroine, Margaret Hale, stumbles across this scene and is […]