The Lawless One
The Lawless One 2 Thessalonians 2 Nick’s Preach on the end times, the lawless one is coming, are you ready?

Lifecycle of a Community

Sin and how to stop it spreading like wildfire

If God is so loving, why all the suffering?
If God is so loving, why doesn’t he heal me? This is such a big stumbling block for people, they reason if God is so powerful he should take away the suffering. Or maybe he isn’t that powerful after all? I hear you. Suffering sucks. Not gonna lie, I hate it. And if we are […]

Are Christians Fooled by Jesus?
Are Christians fooled by Jesus? Let’s ponder on whether this Jesus guy is real, or are christians all around the world duped by him? There’s a quote by Mark Twain that says, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they were fooled”. Once people have made a decision and invested themselves whether physically, […]

I’ve tried connecting with God and he doesn’t answer
Persevering despite discouragement There’s a classic line in the iconic Australian movie, The Castle, by Dale Kerrigan. “Hey Dad, I dug a hole”. The father, Darryl, is so proud of his son. Dale is passionate about digging holes, he loves it, and you just can’t stop him! Makes me think about our own lives. What […]

Hearing God: How can we hear His voice?
How can we hear God’s voice? “What does God want from me”? As a kid on the farm, mustering sheep was a dusty business, hot conditions had burnt the grass to a shrivel, and sheep’s hooves pounded any leftovers. The simmering heat matched our tempers; sheep were frightened by narrow gates and blustering motorbikes. We’d […]

Motherhood at Christmas
Motherhood at Christmas Events to run, asking anyone For help, desperate pleas Oh goodness, lost my keys! Frustration high, memory’s low Where did I put that dusty halo? Shouting, crying, chaos, mess A moment of clarity; lamenting the ‘Yes’ Present buying, kids whining, Tempers frayed as Santa takes centre stage Planning, execution, problems, …grace […]

Follow the Leader
As a kid, one of my favourite games was Follow the Leader. The wooden bench seats under the Peppercorn Trees made for excellent jumping; leaping from one bench to the other required skills. But the game quickly degenerated because no one wanted to follow me! Ha! I got equally frustrated with my friend’s lack of imagination, wandering […]