Apr 19, 2019
What’s so Good about Friday? Good Friday is a mourning time for Christians around the world. It’s the day we remember the sacrifice made by Jesus. In Jerusalem it’s the year 30 AD. Days before the first Good Friday. Jesus had been at peak popularity. Already he had healed the blind and lame, calmed storms […]
Jul 25, 2017
Why doesn’t God hear my Prayers? Just putting it out there, God does hear all prayer, he is on top of everything! The question is more like, why doesn’t God answer our prayer? One of the reasons that God doesn’t answer our prayer has to do with sin. Isaiah 1:15 says, ‘When you spread out your hands, […]
Nov 25, 2015
DARKNESS FALLS CHAPTER 1 No matter how many good decisions we make, when life throws unexpected challenges, we can find ourselves at a loss. It’s at those times that we question our purpose in life and reason for being, which is what happened when life overwhelmed me. We lived in a nice house in leafy […]