1Apr 12, 2020
The Easter Story through the eyes of Peter If this story was a Hollywood movie, it would be listed under the category: Fantasy. After all, bringing the dead back to life, walking on water and turning water into wine, just doesn’t really happen, or does it? Jesus picked Peter out of obscurity and raised him […]
2May 13, 2019
Pride and Greed, can we recover from it? Unpacking the story of Naaman being healed of leprosy in 2 Kings 5. Before we head into the scene of Naaman’s healing, lets zoom out and see the political/cultural environment and how that affected the events in 2 Kings 5. God said to go forth and multiply […]
3Apr 19, 2019
What’s so Good about Friday? Good Friday is a mourning time for Christians around the world. It’s the day we remember the sacrifice made by Jesus. In Jerusalem it’s the year 30 AD. Days before the first Good Friday. Jesus had been at peak popularity. Already he had healed the blind and lame, calmed storms […]
4Feb 9, 2019
There’s a real story of a Father who confessed to killing his 3 year old daughter, Riley. On face value this appears to be true. But dig a little deeper and we can find the start of this tragedy of justice. Riley was found to be missing when the Father was woken on June 6 […]
5Dec 22, 2018
‘The Nativity’ This painting by Gari Melchers captures the moment after the birth of Jesus. Note the absence of shepherds, angels, wise men and presents. At first glance we see exhaustion, loneliness and rejection. But if you look carefully, in the dark and dreary hole, is hope. Hope is little, fragile and vulnerable. It’s a beacon […]
6Oct 1, 2018
How does God still exist today? So if Jesus, who is God, existed back around 2000 years ago, how can He still be among us today? It’s amazing to realise it but the world we see, touch, hear, taste and smell- that’s only part of a world we live in; the physical realm. There is […]
7Sep 30, 2018
Where did God come from? I was first asked this question from a wide-eyed 5 year old in my scripture class. And I must say, I thought it was a silly question at the time. Not that I told the kindergarten kid that. But that question hasn’t stopped being asked over the years. Having this […]
8Jul 5, 2018
The Rescuer’s Heart Hearing of the Thailand soccer team being found alive in a cave brought us to tears. The thought of 13 kids, 1km deep underground and 4km from the entrance, all alone in the darkness for 10 days; goodness, we can only imagine their despair and desperation. What were they thinking? After the ninth day, […]
9Jun 28, 2018
Charles Spurgeon’s bodacious words about work Charles Spurgeon, the famous preacher from yesteryear, had some great wisdom to say about our vocations: “Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them”. 1 Corinthians 7:20 Charles’ words are in black, mine are in blue. Some persons have the foolish notion –Nah, tell […]
10Apr 24, 2018
Being a parent of young kids brings many challenges. Meal times in good families have conversations sharing the highs and lows of their day, everyone is respectful, and laughter abounds. But my family seemed to squabble about the food. “How much food do I have to eat? And why do we need vegies anyway, can’t […]