Dec 16, 2016
Persevering despite discouragement There’s a classic line in the iconic Australian movie, The Castle, by Dale Kerrigan. “Hey Dad, I dug a hole”. The father, Darryl, is so proud of his son. Dale is passionate about digging holes, he loves it, and you just can’t stop him! Makes me think about our own lives. What […]
Dec 5, 2016
How can we hear God’s voice? “What does God want from me”? As a kid on the farm, mustering sheep was a dusty business, hot conditions had burnt the grass to a shrivel, and sheep’s hooves pounded any leftovers. The simmering heat matched our tempers; sheep were frightened by narrow gates and blustering motorbikes. We’d […]
Sep 13, 2016
Below is an interview that shows how God works his mysterious wonder. David’s powerful testimony showed how God intervenes today. But it also showed how an ordinary person (Genevieve) introduced David to the idea of actually meeting God! David Bennett continues in another interview… “Three weeks after the pub moment, I was at Tropfest, and […]
Sep 3, 2016
Starting a Spiritual Conversation Naturally If you’ve ever left a conversation feeling flat, you’re not alone. But why is that? Why are some conversations filled with laughter, banter, hope and connection-whilst others are dry, boring, superficial and stale? Never been short on an opinion, I’ve got a few theories why. But first, let me entice […]
May 19, 2016
I’m so pumped with my little pigs and farmhouse, that I wanted to share it with you. It’s an easy craft that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Making a Pig Craft I found some sheets of foam packaging and I said to myself, “Self, that’s gonna make a great pig!” Hey, and I didn’t even […]
Apr 12, 2016
There’s a massive thrill involved in jumping on a trampoline, especially a springy one. I could do the same jump on grassy ground, and the emotional impact doesn’t measure on my Joy Meter, not even a flutter on that slick little dial. But one hefty jump on a trampoline and I’m flying through the air, […]
Mar 25, 2016
If you want to make a wave, you’ll need to rock the boat. Change Agents “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein. Most people are happy for change to take place: But they aren’t that happy to change themselves: One of the precursors to […]
Feb 10, 2016
Epic Fail There’s a book titled “Sharing Jesus without fear,” I got all fired up after reading it, my faith was high, and the challenge was set. I decided to head into Hurstville the next day and share my faith, hey no one knows me there, and if I embarrass myself, then at least I’ll […]
Feb 1, 2016
If you’re stuck, help’s on the way! A few years ago I entered a Tough Mudder race. In the lead up, our kids were annoyed at my constant gee-up, self-talk, “Tough muddddderrrr”, made with a harsh guttural sound, like I was saying, tough mother!” After raising 4 children, with a 6 year age range, it’s one […]
Jan 18, 2016
Helping Broken People Chatting to our neighbours and the topic of conversation focussed on the rough element in our local Main Street. They were relating the story of a man who had exposed himself while urinating in front of their children, whilst another man was shooting up drugs. This reminded me of a woman I […]