‘The Nativity’

This painting by Gari Melchers captures the moment after the birth of Jesus. Note the absence of shepherds, angels, wise men and presents.
At first glance we see exhaustion, loneliness and rejection.
But if you look carefully, in the dark and dreary hole, is hope.
Hope is little, fragile and vulnerable. It’s a beacon of light shining on our souls, drawing us in. Search diligently you will find it.
Once hope is found, we nurture the delicate babe and hold onto Him, tightly. Shielding it from the wolves, the enemy that comes to steal and destroy. The one that takes away our peace.
And we are not disappointed because when cultivated, hope grows.
Jesus came into our world as a helpless babe and left this world despised and shamed. It seemed like he was powerless and impotent, that hope had died.
But Jesus came back to life and beat death. If we hold onto Jesus, we can beat death too.
And rejection,
and loneliness
and disappointment.
God Bless you this Christmas. Love Vetti x