Sep 13, 2016
Below is an interview that shows how God works his mysterious wonder. David’s powerful testimony showed how God intervenes today. But it also showed how an ordinary person (Genevieve) introduced David to the idea of actually meeting God! David Bennett continues in another interview… “Three weeks after the pub moment, I was at Tropfest, and […]
Aug 24, 2016
God’s Heavenly Glory, Rewards and Justice. How to get a glimpse at what God has for us. And what the glimpse looks like.
Apr 22, 2016
I’m getting better at riding my motorbike, leaning into the corners while ripping around sweeping bends reminds me of a dog hanging out the car window. It’s taken much practise to feel comfortable at this speed, and while that can be a good thing, this time it wasn’t. Normally I’m concentrating on the road, the […]
Mar 10, 2016
Why doesn’t God answer my prayer? This question is often asked, and quickly followed by another, “If God is so good, why is their suffering in the world?” I’d love to delve into the motive behind these questions; on face value they seem innocent enough, but the attitude behind it can be audacious. Some people, not […]
Feb 25, 2016
Love people, not things I could think of nothing more devaluing to a person than being treated like a consumable product; to be picked up, used and shelved at whim or maybe in extreme cases even chucked on the figurative rubbish heap. I heard a story of a person volunteering to sell books on consignment […]
Feb 1, 2016
If you’re stuck, help’s on the way! A few years ago I entered a Tough Mudder race. In the lead up, our kids were annoyed at my constant gee-up, self-talk, “Tough muddddderrrr”, made with a harsh guttural sound, like I was saying, tough mother!” After raising 4 children, with a 6 year age range, it’s one […]
Jan 18, 2016
Helping Broken People Chatting to our neighbours and the topic of conversation focussed on the rough element in our local Main Street. They were relating the story of a man who had exposed himself while urinating in front of their children, whilst another man was shooting up drugs. This reminded me of a woman I […]
Dec 3, 2015
Divine Intervention I had started praying for my husband to find God. It was two years into my journey when God answered my prayers, but not the way I expected. I became sick for nearly a year with an overactive thyroid; fatigue, anxiety and heart palpitations were my constant companions. ‘I can’t, honey. I’m sick’ […]
Oct 9, 2015
Sharing more than a table After finishing my morning at Playgroup, I headed off to the shops, marking time until my 2.30 appointment. I decided to have lunch there, and shared a table with someone else. I really wanted to ignore the little old woman, ‘tick the box’ on my list of things to do, […]
Oct 1, 2015
What’s Fueling you? Heading to work last week, the low fuel alarm sounds on the car, “time to fill up with fuel Vetti”, I muse to myself, “Nick will be stoked with the car full of fuel”. Acquiring me some ‘good wifey’ brownie points, I rock up to the garage, and reach for the fuel […]