Dec 17, 2017
Courageous Conversations Part 2 Yvette continues her talk on having a courageous conversation and sharing faith. Well it's less about sharing faith and more about building a relationship with someone and asking some key questions! Really anyone can do it if you want to!
Dec 29, 2015
Motorcycles & the Messiah, Crossing Boundaries Starting to ride a motorbike on the road was hectic scary for me. Sure as a kid I’d some experience riding on the farm with my brother, going up and down creek gully’s and racing through mobs of sheep. But I was younger then, and ignorant of the pain […]
Dec 3, 2015
Divine Intervention I had started praying for my husband to find God. It was two years into my journey when God answered my prayers, but not the way I expected. I became sick for nearly a year with an overactive thyroid; fatigue, anxiety and heart palpitations were my constant companions. ‘I can’t, honey. I’m sick’ […]