Dec 17, 2017
Spiritual DNA, who’s heard of that? No one yet! But Dr Nick uses the same skills as a Doctor to search the scriptures- thorough, persistent, truth seeking. Doc is a man on a mission and he’s using scripture to help you in your church life, married life, in fact all your life! Forget the personality […]
Dec 17, 2017
Courageous Conversations Part 2 Yvette continues her talk on having a courageous conversation and sharing faith. Well it's less about sharing faith and more about building a relationship with someone and asking some key questions! Really anyone can do it if you want to!
Dec 16, 2017
Courageous Conversations Part 1 Yvette talks to a Baptist Church on starting that elusive God conversation. This first section covers some quick stories by Yvette sharing her faith. They are simple yet effective, so simple, anyone with a heart can do it! There is an exercise to do. Read Matthew 10:5-42 This passage of scripture [...]