Jun 23, 2018
John Chapter 9 The man born blind is healed by Jesus You wouldn’t reckon being healed from blindness could be laced with contention and inquisition. Rather than celebrate the miraculous moment, the religious leaders are offended. Considering their past performance, we aren’t surprised. The rise of Jesus’ influence creates a headache for the leaders. This […]
May 27, 2018
John Chapter 5 Dr Nick takes us through John Chapter 5, Jesus heals a paralysed man, and then gets accused of healing on the sabbath. So Jesus has a chat to the pharisees. This follows on from John Chapter 4 Doc Nicks talks are the result of thousands of hours of reading the scriptures and […]
May 20, 2018
John Chapter 4 Jesus is thirsty. Finding a woman at the well, he grabs the opportunity to make heaven known to her. Vintage Jesus! Doc Nicks talks are the result of thousands of hours of reading the scriptures and sitting under the teaching of David Pawson. John Chapter 4 Audio John Chapter 4 Video John 4 (ESV) […]