Palm Sunday
Nick preaches on Jesus coming into Jerusalem during the passover festival. His followers start to run when Jesus finds himself nailed by the Romans, and Judas throws him under the bus.
Nick preaches on Jesus coming into Jerusalem during the passover festival. His followers start to run when Jesus finds himself nailed by the Romans, and Judas throws him under the bus.
Spiritual DNA, who’s heard of that? No one yet! But Dr Nick uses the same skills as a Doctor to search the scriptures- thorough, persistent, truth seeking. Doc is a man on a mission and he’s using scripture to help you in your church life, married life, in fact all your life! Forget the personality […]
The Lawless One 2 Thessalonians 2 Nick’s Preach on the end times, the lawless one is coming, are you ready?
God’s Heavenly Glory, Rewards and Justice. How to get a glimpse at what God has for us. And what the glimpse looks like.
Handling Offense In this video Dr Nick unpacks the words of Romans, Matthew, 1 John, Luke, and 1 Peter and applies them to how we live in community. Please note the first few seconds of this video is intentionally white, and the teaching will be displayed like a white board. Photo by Kimberlee Kessler Design. Romans […]
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