Motherhood at Christmas
Motherhood at Christmas
Events to run, asking anyone
For help, desperate pleas
Oh goodness, lost my keys!
Frustration high, memory’s low
Where did I put that dusty halo?
Shouting, crying, chaos, mess
A moment of clarity; lamenting the ‘Yes’
Present buying, kids whining,
Tempers frayed as Santa takes centre stage
Planning, execution, problems, …grace
Where is Jesus in this space?
Oh yeah that’s right, He’s in the light
His love in us, absorbs the blows
Defensive walls fall,
Words of truth, acts of love
His heart known to those damaged of
Cancer rampant, soul scars, fiery darts
Scripture a salve for the bleeding heart
Healing the hurt, gives a new start
Flowers bloom, hope is born
Jesus blesses all that mourn
Planting gardens in the waste
A foretaste…
of Heaven, Can’t Wait!
If you’d like to know more about heaven, order your copy of Heaven Can’t Wait from Koorong $5 in store and $6 to buy online. Get to know Jesus for real, this Christmas.